Partner Benefits
Semiconductor, SOC & Manufacturing
Enhance the functionality of chipset offerings through direct integration, enable large-scale commercial orders to be placed for technological development, and stay ahead of advancements in health and testing.
Technology Platform Providers
Work on direct partnerships with SOC, Brand and B2E channels. Find new testing and accreditation relationships, work directly with major policy makers within the healthcare industry and governments.
Research and HealthCare
Work with technology to dramatically reduce testing costs and improve real time data. Guide the industry on best practises for the testing and parsing of cohort data.
National HealthCare Associations
Improve standards of testing and measurement of smart wearables devices. Improve outpatient care and alarm monitoring.
Add unique functionality such as fall detection, BioAge, BioBoost and cohort comparisons to their product and services portfolio.
Access to Enterprise and Government agreements.
Add recurring revenue income to product sales.
Consumer/Business solutions
Able to effectively demonstrate the positive effects of their product or service with smart wearable users. Weight Loss clubs, mattress manufacturers, health food stores, fitness gyms and sportswear companies are all potential members and benefactors of HIA members technology.
Monitor national or regional studies and utilize cohort data to evaluate the effects or demands of government policies on health and age-related matters.